Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Facebook and every other social media has been overloaded with "thankful" posts. It has made me think of all that I am thankful for. No matter what, my FAMILY will always be the thing I am most thankful for. So I decided to write this in a blog because A. it is going to be long and B. I don't want to annoy my facebook friends. 

David Layton Johnson: My best friend. He is the most tender hearted and kind person I have ever met. He NEVER thinks of himself first. Ever. He has this amazing sprit about him that I can not even begin to describe. I am so thankful for him. He has strengthened me in every area in my life. Most importantly David has brought me closer to my Father in heaven and has strengthened my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love him more than words can express.

Emma Babe- How to even begin. She is amazing. I am so thankful for her sweet personality and her beautiful smile. Emma has brought me so much happiness and has opened a section of my heart and has taught me how to love in a whole new way. I love my baby girl and I thank God for her each and everyday

My mom- My mother has always been my very best friend. She has this spunky personality that attracts everyone. I have learned so much from my mom. When Emma was first born you would have thought my mom was Emma's mom. She could sooth her and get her to stop crying and for that I will forever be  thankful. I hope that I can be 1/2 the mother that my mother was to me. She truly is incredible.

My dad- My dad has provided so much for me throughout my whole life. I never wanted to disappoint my dad. He always made me feel like I could push myself and be the best I could be. His laugh is the most hilarious and contagious laugh. I am thankful for the testimony my dad has of eternal families and of Jesus Christ. He is the best.

My brothers- Matthew: He is one of the nicest/quirkiest people I have ever known. He has such a big heart. I love that he breaks out in song and dance and once you start laughing at him there is no stopping him. He does one funny thing after another. He is such a sweet daddy and I am thankful for his kind and loving example. I love my oldest brother. He is awesome.
David: David is for sure my most laid back brother. I have always felt so comfortable around David. He is for sure the funniest brother of  mine. If it is making fun of Raul on Phantom of the Opera or rocking out to High School Musical or Nsync he is always making me laugh. He is the most fun dad and I love how much you can tell he loves his wife and his adorable babies.
Joshua: Joshua is always there if you need him. He is always willing to help anyone out. When I see him with his daughter Presley it melts my heart. You can tell how obsessed he is with his sweet baby. Joshua once stood up for me when he was in the 6th grade and I was in Kindergarden. It was in front of all of his friends and he probably does not even remember it but, I will always remember how my big brother stood up for me when others were being unkind.

My little sister Lauren- Lauren is the most chill person you will ever meet. She is such a talented artist and I am blown away every time I see her artwork. She truly has a HUGE heart and is always kind to others. I am thankful for her sweet example of Christlike love. She is the best. I love you Lauren Lou Lou.

My sister inlaws- Haylee Jo: Haylee feels more like a sister than an sister inlaw. Haylee is one of those people that you know would always be there if you needed anything. I love being around Haylee. I probably don't go more than a few days without talking to her or texting her. She has given me so much advice about motherhood and I am so thankful I have her so close by just incase I need her. She is such a good mommy. I love how laid back she is. That is why she is so easy to get along with and she is so easy to love. She is the best older sister I never had. :)

Cosette: Cozy is so spunky. I love how creative she is. She has been such an amazing example of what kind of mother I want to be. She is constantly doing fun and creative things with her two daughters. I feel like Cosette and I have a lot in common. She is 10 months older than me and it is nice having someone so close in age around. I feel like I am 5 years younger than her though. She acts more our age. haha. She is one of the most fun people to be around and I love that her and I have this extremely girly side that we have in common. We both are way young at heart and love a good Disney movie.

Shelby: Shelby is a ball of personality. She always has something funny/witty to say. You will never be bored when Shelby is around. She is an amazing wife and mother. She is the best party planner and is always the life of the party. She is always the first one to ask if you need help with something. Shelby is the best cook in the whole world. Seriously. I am thankful that Shelby is a part of my family and I have learned a lot about being a great mother because of her.
Becky: I love my sister inlaw Becky. She is such an amazing example to me. She is a single mother to the most energetic 4 year old on the planet. She has so much patience with her and she is the craziest mom. Her and her daughter Kaylie are best friends and I love that special bond they have. Becky welcomed me into the Johnson family like I had been a part of the family forever. She has always been so vocal about how much she loves and cares for me and for that I will always be thankful for an amazing sister like her.

My mother and father inlaw: I am SO thankful for these two. I do not think either of them have a mean bone in their body. They are the most kind and loving people ever. Seriously. Jeff is the cutest grandpa to Emma. I can tell how much they love Emma just by the way they look at her. It is awesome. These two are incredible examples of love and being kind to everyone.
My brother inlaws Adam, Brandon, & CJ: These are the craziest/funniest boys ever. They say and do the most random things. I love the way David acts when he is around his brothers. They are so funny when you get them going. These boys have always been so kind to me. I am so thankful to have these 3 as my new little brothers.

Kaylie Jayne, Brinnley Ann, Edyn Bethannie, Luke Donald, Presley Noel, & Autumn Victoria. Aunt Kayla loves you SO much. I am the luckiest auntie ever.


  1. What a great idea!!!! I love this. It was so fun to read. I was totally agreeing with everything! What a great family we have!!!
