Preparing the 9 months of pregnancy to be a mom was the greatest. I decorated the nursery at like month 3. I bought S0 many clothes right when I knew Emma was a girl. I bought my car seat, stroller, and crib a week after I found out I was pregnant. I wanted to be so prepared and ready for this sweet baby! I knew being a mom would be difficult but I had prepared myself so I was set for the challenges ahead. UM......NO. I had not prepared myself for an extremely fussy baby. If Emma is not asleep or eating she is crying. Not just fussing it is a full blown SCREAM. Tears just flow and flow until she has none left. She cries until she has no voice left. People probably don't believe me because I post all these smiley pictures on Facebook and Instagram of her. But, those moments last literally less than one minute. It is the most stressful thing to me. To have not 1 doctor but 2 tell you that there is nothing you can do for your baby. We have tried gas drops, gripe water, baby massage, essential oils, introducing a little bit of formula, acid reflux medicine, rocking, swaddling, baths,swings,binkys,bouncers....seriously everything. I have also cut out dairy & acidic foods from my diet. I feel so hopeless for my child. There is nothing I can do to sooth my baby. It is the worst feeling as a mother. I am terrified to bring her out in public because of how fussy she is. Church is so intimidating to me. I can't get anything done. During the night Emma is pretty good. She is up every hour and a half to two hours to eat. It is a struggle to get her back to sleep but eventually she does fall asleep. David and I are beyond sleep deprived. I never EVER could have prepared myself for the challenge of motherhood. Especially to be a mommy of a colic baby. But in all honesty I would not trade one moment for anything in the whole world. Emma has taught(is teaching me) patience. I have felt a love so deep that I can't even begin to describe. She is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen and I can feel Heavenly Fathers presence every time I hold her. Even though she is screaming most the day she has the sweetest spirit and I know exactly where she came from before she came into this world. She is the greatest blessing that David and I have received and I thank God for blessing me with her. I am her mommy and I can't believe how lucky I am.
5 years ago
She just needs a little Kati in life and everything will be all better!!! I love you Kayla
ReplyDeleteLove this...Well not the whole emma being a stinker but how positive and cute you are! Your a great momma!
ReplyDeletei know this sounds strange - but my sister had a colic baby and we heard to help you turn on the vacuum - sounds weird but we tried it and it will do wonders! it sounds nuts but the sound of the vacuum makes the baby stop crying! good luck!