Thursday, October 20, 2011

The world

If any of you have been watching the news the past week or so you will know where I come from when I say the end of the world really is coming SOON. War and chaos is happening everywhere, celebrities lives are becoming our main interests, the presidential race is becoming so intense and mean, people are killing their leaders  and leaders are killing their people, freaking lions, tigers, bears, and monkeys are running loose (ha ha), the government is struggling and jobs are hard to come by. SHOOOT FOOLS. Is this for real? I will make my post brief. We( well at least I) need to put a 
little less focus on THESE things below. I do realize these are issues and I do live in this world and need to deal with them BUT come on. Where are the good times? Where is the peace and harmony that God wants for us?

Like this photo. I cried when I first saw it. He may have been an awful person but....this is on our news stations. why...gross. Just tell us he is dead.(Sorry I posted it. I was just blown away)
WHO CARES?! We do! We do! Let them live their lives. We have our own mistakes to correct.

 The hype about this wedding was RIDICULOUS

 Lets put more focus on the things that will make us HAPPY and make others happy. The talk of all the wickedness is the world is really starting to get to me. Lets love everyone and be as kind as we possibly can. Life is so short. Lets be FREE.

 True happiness is found through Jesus Christ. How do we learn of him? By the holy scriptures.
 The blessings of the temple is more than most of the world can even imagine

1 comment:

  1. Kayla I loved this post! It is a great reminder with all of the craziness in the world right now! Thanks girl :)
